You still think that I glow?

You still think that in dusk I’d glow?
Starting bright and early I like to travel light
Passion and pastime makes it tight
Start with Canon camera my pair of eyes
Needing four pairs of spare batteries if they say byes
The two chargers I take may not do too good
Where will I charge if no current on the road
You come along as Nikon and the other pair in need
Nature and us on the way in perfect harmony
Yet flying light bugs no power source for a ceremony
So comes three spare batteries should there be a wearer
AC found two more chargers comes as their bearer
AA batteries plenty if all things power melts in a splash
Sweeping lens in low light may need ten cards of compact flash
Dialog mobile has three spare batteries to stay connected
Mobitel mobile is new with same kind to stay touched
On the move wheels great source of power
Take three car chargers to reach its' tower
Second earring, plenty of hands free sets round my ear gear
Mobiles and they together keep the world near
How can I then not have melodious company
On the move portable system is a symphony
A Walkman can still be an epic
For the fifty or so cds of music
To tune into the world, a Sony all bands
A mini tape recorder to capture all sounds
And a mini disc recorder if more found
Mini disc and mini tapes in plenty
Various cables, microphones, sockets maybe seventy
Small portable fan and a bulb together
Gives light and keeps me cool thereafter
Sun calls it a day if going gets slower ahead
A pocket torch in handbag be sited
Another with siren, light and radio in a quandary
To be heard, see, be aware and pass boundary
Medi pack and safety pack be handy
What more in the bag is Kitkat candy
Water bottles more munchies and nice
Flak jacket-heavy to wear and helmet be wise
Satellite phone and Thuraya phone to livecast
Extra sets of clothes help me recast
What I don’t forget to take is a health pillow
Just when we both start to feel mellow...
You still think that in dusk I’d glow?
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